Medical & Electronic Devices
Lose Weight, Save Space. Be Sustainable With AeroZero®
Our technical team of thermal experts collaborate closely with the leading innovative Medical and Electronic Device customers to push the limits of new thermal management solutions and create systems to meet never-before-achieved requirements.
Our AeroZero® technology improves energy efficiency by reducing heat loads and hotspots, particularly in tight places.

As the world transitions to more sustainable practices for batteries and energy storage, our customers are seeing a dramatic trend toward renewable and highly efficient batteries. Cars, boats, and even planes are switching to environmentally friendly substitutes, like batteries, as a primary source of energy.
To replace traditionally powered systems, these next generation high-performance batteries emit elevated temperatures, creating new thermal challenges. AeroZero® Thermal Barriers control heat from high-powered batteries, resulting in a more durable and energy efficient system.
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are essential to any device that contains electronic components that must be controlled. They consist of alternating layers of very thin copper and dielectric substrates. The inner substrate chosen can vary, depending on whether the PCB is designed to be flexible or rigid.
AeroZero® can be incorporated as the inner substrate of a flexible PCB or can be laminated to the dielectric substrate in a rigid PCB to lower the overall dielectric constant of the stack.
The flexible and thin design of AeroZero® makes it perfect for high-speed, high frequency digital applications. The substrate can be used as an inner layer or as the main component of a multilayer printed circuit board for data communication components including RF antennas and radomes.
By combining the thermal insulating polyimide film with thermal interface materials, AeroZero laminates provide improved thermal protection of electronic components